The Value of Land Preservation: Permanently Protecting Green Space Locally

By Karen Keene

Founded in 1977, Monmouth Conservation Foundation (MCF) works to create parks, save open space, preserve farmland, teach environmental sustainability, safeguard waterways, and protect wildlife throughout Monmouth County, New Jersey. Our efforts to #KeepMonmouthGreen support outdoor recreation, agriculture, clean water, and wildlife for long-term sustainability.

A land trust is a nonprofit organization that works with public and private partners to permanently protect land for future generations. Land trusts conserve land with natural, agricultural, recreational, historic, and/or scenic value.

While operating relevant to a community’s needs, whether urban, suburban, and/or or rural, land trusts generally focus on preserving land and natural habitats, protecting waterways, supporting family farms and ranches, providing equitable access to green space, and addressing the impacts of climate change with natural climate solutions.

By partnering with landowners and government agencies, land trusts like MCF act as facilitators to protect land through conservation easements or by purchasing land outright, ensuring the land remains undeveloped, forever. Each opportunity is unique and handled on a case-by-case basis.

Nationally accredited land trusts, like MCF, are bound by the highest national standards for excellence and conservation permanence and follow guidelines set forth by the Land Trust Alliance.

MCF’s vision is to lead conservation and education efforts to preserve and protect our natural environment, so all individuals and communities have access to and can benefit from open space and nature for generations to come. The nonprofit is working toward a goal for every Monmouth County resident to have access to green space within ten minutes’ walking or biking distance from their homes. This work is primarily focused on underserved communities.

Red Bank’s former landfill being transformed into a community park with MCF’s help. Photo by Fred Yahn, Eagle Drone Solutions.

Hunts Crossing 84-Acre Easement at McClees Creek, Middletown Township. Photo by Fred Yahn, Eagle Drone Solutions.

To date, MCF has worked alongside partners at the federal, state, county, and municipal levels, as well as with nonprofit and community organizations, to permanently preserve nearly 9,700 acres (about the size of 11 Central Parks) of open space and farmland in Monmouth County.

This work is critical because the Garden State is the most densely populated state in the nation, and according to land-use experts, New Jersey will be the first state to exhaust its supply of land available for development.

Handmade sign spotted during the fall 2024 election season, encouraging NJ voters to support open space programs. Photo by Karen Keene.

Land preservation is also valuable because it affords countless benefits to society:

  • The health of our natural environment impacts the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the wellbeing of future generations.

  • Land preservation and the implementation of natural climate solutions protect ecosystems and combat the devastating effects of climate change like flooding, erosion, and damaging storms.

  • Saving farmland – what little is left – helps uphold our region’s pastoral character and agricultural roots; maintains fresh, healthy food sources; and supports local family farms.

  • By protecting natural habitats and safeguarding waterways, we provide a haven for wildlife and plant life – including threatened and endangered species facing potential extinction.

  • Green spaces are not only beautiful; they increase property values, boost the economy, and offer a variety of health benefits.

  • By exposing children to our natural world through educational programs, we plant the seeds of curiosity, a sense of wonder, and appreciation for nature – fostering the future stewards of our land.

MCF and other land trusts are a critical part of the equation, as we can act swiftly and impartially, free from government bureaucracy and political constraints. Our role is sometimes imperceptible in facilitating land preservation projects, while at other times the land trust is the prominent driving force. In every instance, for land preservation to be successful, we must be supported by funding and through critical partnerships.

The Samaha’s Farm Story: Preserving Local Farms to Improve Our Way of Life

Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm

Samaha’s Farm, famous for its sweet corn, has been a mainstay in Monmouth County, New Jersey for over 60 years. Today, three generations of the Samaha Family are involved in farming their own land in Aberdeen, as well as farms across the County, and running their beloved farm market. Our team at MCF has gotten to know the Samahas very well in recent years, as they work with us and partners to permanently preserve their farmland and carry on their community-oriented legacy of hard work, sustainable farming, and delicious produce. The Samaha family’s story is a quintessential example of the many, increasing challenges farmers face, and how their strong will and the public’s support keep farmers and their farms going – for everyone’s benefit.

Samaha’s Farm History

Samahas’ farming story began in 1958 when 12-year-old John Samaha fulfilled his dream of working on a farm after his mother shared a newspaper ad for “Farm Hand: $1 Per Hour.”  In 1963, John officially opened Samaha’s Farm as a small wagon on the side of Lloyd Road in his hometown of Aberdeen – just a few hundred feet from the location of today’s farm market.

John Samaha, 1962. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

Original Farm Wagon. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

Fruit and vegetable sales from the farm wagon supported John’s college pursuits, and he ultimately earned a music education degree in 1967 from William Paterson College (now William Paterson University). John continued farming to supplement his salary as a music teacher, as he built his family. He married the love of his life, Yvonne, in 1976, and three years later, expanded the business into a permanent, open-air farm market that still stands today, known to many as “The Corn Store.”

Samaha’s Farm Store in the 1970s. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

Yvonne and John had three daughters together, each of whom grew up helping with the farm and market. Their middle daughter, Nora, really took to farm life – so much so, that in a third-grade project, she vowed to become a teacher and a farmer, and she has made both a reality! Through her high school and college years, Nora began taking on an increasingly integral role in the family business.  Between semesters, and then as she began her teaching career in Hazlet, Nora ran the farm market.

Nora’s husband, Marcus Pettyjohn Jr., felt the same draw to farming and began learning the secrets of farming from John, while he ran his successful landscaping company and studied horticulture. Several years later, Marcus transitioned his career to full-time farming, as Nora continued teaching and ultimately took over management of the farm market and the marketing and IT aspects of the business.

The couple has three children of their own, who love taking part in the farm and market. Their family lives on their own small farm in Morganville, where they recently opened a small satellite farm market – Samaha’s on the Homestead. Marcus also serves on the Monmouth County Board of Agriculture, which seeks to preserve the agriculture industry and farming throughout the county relevant to the County’s Farmland Preservation Plan.

Yvonne Samaha, pictured here in the 1970s, ran the farm store for many years. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

“It is wonderful to pass the torch within our family and keep our farm going when farms across the country are dwindling. Nora has always had an affinity and the skills to oversee the store, and Marcus was never afraid to get his hands dirty,” said John Samaha.

Yvonne and John Samaha. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

The Pettyjohn Family. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm

The Fruits of Labor

Brothers Richard and John Samaha collectively own 17.4 acres of land in Aberdeen, which serve as the family farm headquarters and the location for the main farm store. Sweet corn is their biggest product, but their tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and zucchinis are also popular. Samaha’s Farm exclusively grows produce that is not genetically modified – meaning the genetic makeup of their crops has not been altered, known commonly as non-GMO.

Corn field at Samaha’s Farm.  Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

The Samaha’s Farm farms a total of 120 acres, working their own land and leasing land locally in Colts Neck, Holmdel, and Marlboro – much of which is preserved farmland. Additional, locally sourced produce, flowers, and other farm products are sold at the farm market. Samaha-grown produce can be found in local stores like Dearborn Market and Delicious Orchards. The Samahas also regularly donate surplus items from their harvest to local food pantries.

Jersey Tomatoes growing on fields leased by the Samahas in Holmdel.  Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

Richard and John Samaha as children.  Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

The Samaha Family’s role in farming lands across our county is a valuable service that helps maintain our Garden State’s agricultural industry and fosters an important network of farmers,” said MCF’s Director of Acquisitions, Jena Cosimo.

Preserving Farm Life

Both Richard and John feel strongly about conserving farmland and their way of life. While Richard finds passion tinkering with heavy machinery, the brothers’ values are aligned, and their support for each other is unwavering. Richard, who owns the lion share of their farmland in Aberdeen, has fended off developers wanting to buy their land and build high-density housing for decades.

Samaha’s Farm stands today as the only remaining farmland in the Aberdeen area. Facing continuous development pressure, John suggested preservation, and the family reached out to us at MCF. Since 2022, we have been working with the Samahas, Aberdeen Township, and Monmouth County to collaboratively preserve their land, forever.  We continue to work to secure the necessary funding to purchase conservation easements on the land and hope to preserve Samaha’s.

Aerial of a portion of Samaha’s Farm. Photo by Fred Yahn, Eagle Drone Solutions.

Support Your Local Farmers

Since childhood, the Samahas have watched farmland and green space get developed repeatedly – a scenario most of us know all too well. Monmouth County’s farmland has shown a significant decline since the 1950’s. One example - the historic Hop Brook Farm in Holmdel, a plot of land the Samahas currently farm, once boasted roughly 140 acres. Today, only 25 acres remain.

Many times, public outcry comes too late when news breaks of a farm being sold or a green space being developed, and they are lost forever. We must be proactive, before it's too late. Residents can speak up for farmland and green space preservation and support open space programs through their local government. They can also support nonprofit land trusts like MCF who help facilitate land preservation.

Nora and Marcus Pettyjohn, Jr. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

Another big part of the solution is to support local farms. Purchasing local farm products and participating in agritourism activities creates a demand for farmers and farms. In an age of convenience with big box stores and ultra-fast delivery, it’s easy to be persuaded to forego local options, but building your local farm(s) into your routine puts fresh, nutritious food on your table and keeps the farming profitable – keeping farmers in business and developers at bay.

As a mom, I want convenience, but I also want the healthiest options for my family. Shopping local farms ensures I am getting the freshest produce, without the additives and packaging,” said Nora Pettyjohn.

Patronizing local farms is also an enriching experience. It’s a great way to teach children where our food comes from, and many local farms like Samaha’s offer fun and educational agritourism activities. From pick-your-own experiences to farming demonstrations, to hayrides and corn mazes, to petting zoos and pony rides, there is so much to see and do.

At Samaha’s Annual Fall Festival, guests can enjoy a pumpkin patch, music and entertainment, narrated hayrides complete with kids’ jokes and an animated hunt for the Witch of Aberdeen, animal encounters, bounce houses and slides, and more.  To learn more about local farms and agritourism in our area visit Grown in Monmouth, a program of the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners developed to promote our agricultural industry.

Samaha’s Farm Pumpkin Patch. Photo by Karen Keene.

Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm

Farming Challenges

Farming offers countless benefits but comes with myriad challenges. Year-round, farmers are planning, innovating, and implementing to prepare for the upcoming growing season and combat these challenges.

“We are at the mercy of the Lord, and I talk to him every day,” said John Samaha. 

Aside from development pressures for housing and commercial uses like warehouses, farmers must navigate the earth’s changing climate and unpredictable weather. Last year, New Jersey experienced a record-setting drought, which impacted harvests, and in other years, damaging storms have knocked down or washed away fields.

Wildlife poses additional obstacles. Farmers must employ innovative strategies to fend off destructive populations of animals like deer, geese, and blackbirds, who would otherwise ravage their crops.

Farmers are constantly battling pests and diseases. The Samaha’s utilize integrated pest management (IPM), a science-based method using a variety of techniques to control pests that do not rely primarily on pesticides. Like many farmers, the Samahas seek guidance from experts at the Rutgers University New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. 

Corn field at Samaha’s Farm. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

As in most industries, farmers are also at the mercy of the supply chain. Prices for seed, equipment, fertilizer, fuel, and almost every other input continue to rise. Maintaining a skilled workforce and reliable farm workers is also a challenge. Samaha’s Farm participates in the H-2A Visa program, which allows foreign workers to legally come to the United States on a temporary visa to perform agricultural labor. The program is intended to help employers who are unable to find enough domestic workers.

Farm to Family

With the average age of farmers on the rise and fewer young people looking to become farmers, the future of many farm operations is unknown. Unlike many farmers, the Samaha family (and our community) are blessed to have their family-owned and operated farm business with next generation farmers committed to the farm.

Farming is a year-round, sunup to sundown labor of love. Through and through, the Samaha Family is dedicated to farmland, farm life, and our community. After spending just a few minutes with the family, it’s abundantly clear that the Samahas are in this together and in this to stay. It truly is a family affair.

Nora and Marcus Pettyjohn Jr.
Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

John and Richard Samaha. Photo courtesy of Samaha’s Farm.

Monmouth Conservation Foundation Welcomes New Trustee

Monmouth Conservation Foundation (MCF) is pleased to welcome Patrick Lyman to its Board of Trustees, adding specialized environmental expertise to its roster of volunteer overseers. Lyman came aboard in January 2025 to assist MCF with its nonprofit mission of acquiring and preserving open space and farmland and conserving natural habitats throughout Monmouth County in support of outdoor recreation, agriculture, clean water, and wildlife for long-term sustainability.

Lyman is an environmental protection specialist with the federal government, responsible for conducting environmental reviews for federally funded projects, like storm recovery, in New Jersey and New York. He worked as an environmental consultant at a local company for nearly twelve years prior to this. Since 2013, he has also served as a marine science technician for the U.S. Coast Guard Reserve – Sector New York, focusing on marine safety and pollution response.

“Patrick is an outstanding addition to MCF’s Board of Trustees. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in environmental issues and policy, along with a deep appreciation for land conservation and stakeholder concerns for land use,” said MCF President Matthew Cohen.

A resident of Monmouth County or its surrounding area since early childhood, Lyman values our green spaces and believes in conserving land to promote ecosystem health and to provide sustainable uses by society, including fishing, hunting, birdwatching, exercise, and recreation. He holds a B.A. in environmental studies and history from the University of Colorado Boulder and an M.S. in homeland security from Monmouth University.

“I value the idea of a land ethic, where people are motivated to care for the land as part of our role in society. If something is beneficial for the natural environment, while society benefits, I see that as a win,” said Lyman. “I look forward to working with MCF to help preserve the remaining land in Monmouth County and educating more of our community on the many benefits of green space.”

Lyman’s favorite green spaces in and around Monmouth County include Holmdel Park, where he has enjoyed running since middle school, and Cheesequake State Park, which offers beautiful wooded and marshland habitats. In his spare time, he enjoys trail running, fishing, birdwatching, and spending time with his wife, Ellen, and their dog, Harper.

MCF 2024 Year In Review


MCF co-hosted a reception at Monmouth University (MU) in conjunction with a lecture by Dr. Doug Tallamy, best-selling author, professor, and co-founder of Homegrown National Park®. Attracting an enthusiastic, diverse crowd of more than 500 guests, Dr. Tallamy shared what each of us can do in own yard or balcony to fight climate change, create climate resiliency, and foster beauty in our natural surroundings – in line with MCF’s mission.


We saw improvements to two newer municipal parks created with MCF’s help! Thanks to a matching grant from Monmouth County’s Municipal Open Space Grant Program, plans were announced to install new fencing around the historic Black Cemetery at Allentown’s Sgt. George Ashby Memorial Park - named for New Jersey’s last surviving Civil War veteran. Sea Bright’s Shrewsbury Riverfront Park received a new pavilion, paying homage to the historic Sea Bright Railroad Station, enabled by donations raised by MCF.


MCF is grateful and honored to have been the beneficiary of the 2024 Rumson St. Patrick’s Day Parade! It was a fantastic weekend of festivities, involving many of our trustees, staff members, friends, and community members who marched alongside an MCF adorned truck and wagon loaned by the Monmouth County Park System. Thanks to the parade committee and supporters, MCF received $10,000 in support of our charitable work to #KeepMonmouthGreen!


MCF achieved a historic milestone, becoming landowners for the first time as new owners of the 90-acre Scudder Preserve in Middletown. Doing so provides MCF with a future home base and opportunities for continuing to share the bounty of nature with County residents. We are appreciative of our anonymous donor who committed $1 million in support of costs related to infrastructure improvements, maintenance needs, and general operating expenses at the Preserve.


MCF was selected as a recipient of a $500,000 Brownfield Community-Wide Assessment grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The three-year federal funding will enable us to assess Brownfield sites over a 210-acre area of Red Bank, including the Borough’s former landfill, to plan for remediation, and to develop plans for a new park with community input. This is a key step in our partnership with the Borough to make Sunset Park a reality in the next few years!


New Jersey Resources (NJR) pledged a pivotal $500,000 grant over five years through its Coastal Climate Initiative to support MCF’s efforts at Scudder Preserve. Together we will conduct a comprehensive natural resource inventory, devise and implement a site restoration and management plan, assess and devise a climate resilient public access strategy, and build and launch an educational outreach program. These efforts will help us create a living laboratory for the benefit of educators, students, conservationists, and the public!


MCF celebrated the successful completion of our four-year For Monmouth For Our Future comprehensive campaign. Thanks to our many generous supporters, MCF raised just shy of $8 million to support key projects that will improve the quality of life for residents – human and wildlife – across Monmouth County. Funds raised have and will assist MCF in creating and revitalizing parks, safeguarding our water supplies, and preserving farmland, open space, and natural habitats, while growing future conservationists through educational programming.


MCF applied for accreditation renewal through the Land Trust Accreditation Commission (LTAC), following an open public comment period. Since first being accredited in 2014, MCF has continually met the highest national standards for excellence and conservation permanence. We are part of a select group of 470 accredited land trusts among the 1,281 in the nation, proudly united by sound finances, ethical conduct, responsible government, and lasting stewardship. We will hear back on our application in late 2025.


MCF honored the US Navy and our partners at Naval Weapons Station (NWS) Earle for their support and collaboration to permanently protect lands buffering NWS Earle’s nearly 12,000 acres – highlighting our inaugural, collaborative projects to preserve 255 acres encompassing properties in Howell and Colts Neck in 2023. This recognition was bestowed in front of nearly 300 guests at MCF’s annual Fall for Conservation Cocktail Party fundraiser, hosted by Triple L Farms and the Mosley Family on their beautiful, preserved farm in Colts Neck.


MCF partnered with Middletown Township to create new, permanent green space on a three-acre densely forested lot located between Route 36 and Thompson Avenue. We have a shared goal of turning it into a passive park. Also this month, Monmouth County purchased a 22-acre property in Aberdeen – one of the last undeveloped tracts in the vicinity – to expand Freneau Woods Park. We are honored to have played a role in this acquisition, helping to protect additional historically and environmentally significant land.


Citizens in Atlantic Highlands, Middletown, and Wall overwhelmingly voted to support open space initiatives by adding tax dollars in critical funding to protect land and enhance green spaces in their communities. Each municipality passed referendums on their fall ballots to create or fund increases to their Open Space programs, showing their commitment to a greener tomorrow. We applaud voters and their representatives for helping to #KeepMonmouthGreen!


MCF’s new Director of Educational Outreach, Doug Caum, announced a series of free experiential learning opportunities for K-12 teachers, aimed at helping them develop lesson plans in line with the new statewide climate change curriculum. The trainings are being offered in the field by MCF as a sub-grantee on the Expanding Access to Climate Change Education and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) through Climate Change Learning Collaboratives (CCLC) grant awarded in May to Monmouth University by the New Jersey Department of Education.

Additional Funding Awarded for REPI Land Preservation Projects!

Representatives from the US Navy, Monmouth County, and MCF Commemorating our Inaugural Preservation Projects. July 2024.

MCF is grateful to have received word from the US Navy that an additional $3 million in funding has been awarded to NWS Earle through the US Department of Defense (DOD) Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) program. This significant funding will enable MCF and our county partners to protect additional lands surrounding NWS Earle’s nearly 12,000 acres in Monmouth County.

Since 2018, we have been working together through the REPI program to prevent incompatible development, preserve farmland and wetlands, protect wildlife, and add to existing parks in the vicinity of the naval base, which allows NWS Earle to maintain operations security and decrease potential risk to the public. This ongoing public-private partnership involves the US Navy, NWS Earle, Monmouth County, MCF, and relevant municipalities where the land being protected is situated.

Lands are preserved through conservation and/or agricultural easements granted by willing landowners and purchased by project partners, with up to 50 percent of the funding coming from the REPI program on a match basis. Our inaugural conservation projects were achieved through this partnership in 2023 – preserving 255 acres encompassing two properties in Howell and Colts Neck and greatly benefiting our community. We have additional properties in our preservation pipeline, and we are ecstatic to have access to additional federal funds to kickstart their journey to completion.

MCF Debuts Conservation Wagon to Deliver Hands-On Environmental Education


Ray Catena Auto Group Donates Sprinter Van to Support New Science-Based Curriculum for Monmouth County Residents

Middletown, NJ (January 9, 2025) – Expanding on its successful Kids for Conservation Program, Monmouth Conservation Foundation (MCF), the county’s only nonprofit land trust, proudly announces the donation of the MCF Conservation Wagon by the Ray Catena Auto Group, Edison, N.J. for delivering environmental education programs throughout Monmouth County.

“Ray Catena has graciously funded the MCF Conservation Wagon – a Sprinter Cargo Van – allowing us to bring important conservation programming to students and residents of Monmouth County, with a particular emphasis on reaching our most underserved communities,” says MCF Executive Director William D. Kastning. “Topics will complement school lessons with activities that demonstrate the importance of green space and how each of us can create positive change and build hope for a sustainable future.”

Beginning in spring 2025, the new MCF Conservation Wagon will be available for community events, environmental fairs, and park and school visits throughout Monmouth County. Educational programming via the Conservation Wagon will align with MCF’s land preservation mission and include themes such as restoring biodiversity and ecosystem function, employing natural climate solutions, and taking individual action to create climate resiliency.

“We support organizations that focus on families and their well-being. This vehicle will support Monmouth Conservation Foundation’s environmental education initiative, which in turn benefits Monmouth County communities,” says Ray Catena.

Taking Education on the Road with the MCF Conservation Wagon
Prioritizing underserved communities, the MCF Conservation Wagon is envisioned to be a free service at qualifying schools, municipal parks, and community events, and, secondarily, available on a fee basis for arranged school visits, field trips, and private events. MCF is currently looking for sponsors and underwriters to help carry out this vision.

MCF is partnering with Monmouth University to create a lesson plan framework focused on the importance of green space, natural climate solutions, and individual action to create climate resiliency. MCF’s new Director of Educational Outreach, Doug Caum, will design public-friendly educational materials, based on these preK-12 lesson plans that meet New Jersey state standards.

To help deliver the educational programming, Caum will develop an intern and docent program of Conservation Wagon ambassadors. Students and families will ultimately participate in activities that teach actions they can take in their own home or backyard to promote the health of our environment, and in turn, improve the quality of our air and water and emphasize overall well-being and sustainability for the community – via the Conservation Wagon.

Caum will also deliver experiential learning programs for New Jersey educators as part of MCF’s work as a sub-grantee on the Expanding Access to Climate Change Education and the New Jersey Student Learning Standards (NJSLS) through Climate Change Learning Collaboratives (CCLC) grant awarded in 2024 to Monmouth University by the New Jersey Department of Education.

Future programming will involve interactive opportunities at and relating to MCF’s Scudder Preserve. MCF took ownership of the 90-acre natural site in Middletown, NJ, in April 2024, with plans to restore the natural habitat, enhance public access, and offer a living laboratory for educational activities.

To learn more, visit:

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About Monmouth Conservation Foundation
Founded in 1977, Monmouth Conservation Foundation (MCF) works to acquire and preserve open space and farmland and conserve natural habitats throughout Monmouth County in support of outdoor recreation, agriculture, clean water, and wildlife for long-term sustainability. An independent nonprofit organization that works with Monmouth County and its 53 municipalities, MCF’s vision is to lead conservation and education efforts to preserve and protect our natural environment, so all individuals and communities have access to and can benefit from open space and nature for generations to come. MCF received accreditation by the Land Trust Accreditation Commission in 2014 and has continued to maintain this status since. Accreditation is awarded to land trusts meeting the highest national standards for excellence and conservation permanence. MCF is one of 471 accredited land trusts out of 1,100 nationwide. For more information, visit